Opening up to the world.
I reached a place where I wanted to change the path I was on. This new journey began two years ago with my return to higher education. While I attended community college for a few classes, I never earned a degree. I joined the workforce, and I had a successful career in the automotive industry. However, I still had a nagging feeling inside me. After reaching a peak in my career in the car business, I decided that there was nothing else I wanted to accomplish there. So I left my position and salary to finish the degree I started many years before.
My initial goal in returning to college was to earn an associate’s degree in cybersecurity. Once I had the degree, I hoped to quickly rejoin the workforce. I began online classes at Ivy Tech Community College. All of the classes were online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. During this time, I experienced found that most of my identity was based on my past career. It was a very humbling time, and I struggled with doubts and confidence issues early on. However, this break from work also allowed me to try new things and have more experiences. I’ve learned a lot about myself, and I found that I have much more to learn.
At this point, I now have the associate’s degree I was working on, and I want to continue my educational journey. I have transferred to IUPUI in Indianapolis to work on a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity. While I plan on documenting my experience here, this blog will not be solely based on that experience. Rather, I want to share anything that I find interesting or potentially helpful along the way. Thank you for reading and I hope my content is useful for you.